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Sayre Woods South Baseball League

Sayre Woods South Baseball League

Division Make up & Basic Format

Below you will find a break out of our divisions and a brief description of the format of play

Tball- Ages 4 & 5
- Our Tball teams are typically kept very small to keep the kids as engaged as possible. 
- All games are 1 hour long
- the first 30 min are used to practice with the children & the second 30 minutes will be for game play
- As the name suggests the batters will hit off a tee, however, as the season progresses some coaches may try throwing a few pitches as long as the game keeps moving.
- All bats must have the USA Stamp

Farm 6 - Age 6
- Our Farm 6 teams are typically kept very small to keep the kids as engaged as possible. 
- All games are 1 hour long
- In this division, the coach will pitch 5-7 pitches to each batter. If the balls has not been put in play the coaches will put the tee out for the batter to hit. 
- All bats must have the USA Stamp

Minor B- Ages 7 & 8 (Field- Pitchers mound 46 feet / Bases 60 feet)
- This division will have 9 players on the field at a time
- Games consist of 6 innings  - 3 innings coach pith and 3 innings kid pitch
- Games will not exceed 2 hours
- When the game is kid pitch, once a pitcher has walked a 3rd batter for that inning the batter will remain at the plate and the coach comes in to finish the inning. 
- All bats must have the USA Stamp
- No Standings are kept in this division

Minor- Ages 9 & 10 (Field- Pitchers mound 46 feet / Bases 60 feet)
- This division will have 9 players on the field at a time
- Games consist of 6 innings  -all innings are kid pitch
- Games will not exceed 2 hours
- All bats must have the USA Stamp

- Pitch count rules and days of rest apply

Major- Ages 11 & 12 (Field-  Pitchers mound 50 feet / Bases 70 feet)
- This division will have 9 players on the field at a time
- Games consist of 6 innings  -all innings are kid pitch
- Games will not exceed 2 hours
- All bats must have the USA Stamp

- Pitch count rules and days of rest apply

Jr/Sr- Ages 13 - 16 (Field-  Pitchers mound 60 feet / Bases 90 feet)
- This division will have 9 players on the field at a time
- Games consist of 7 innings  -all innings are kid pitch
- Games will not exceed 2 1/2 hours
- All bats must have the USA Stamp or be BBCOR -3

- Pitch count rules and days of rest apply


Sayre Woods South Baseball League
SWSLL, P.O Box 301
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857

Email: [email protected]

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